

Gacharic Spin's Billboard Interview ( english translation ~ part 1)

We’re talking about many things with Gacharic Spin from their new song 『Don't Let Me Down』, Dragonball, Tenryuu Genichirou, their Shibuya’s one man live, Gacha-dancers idol pilgrimage, their mode toward fall’s album & tour, and about their future too..but in the end, it became a random conversation. It’s a very fun interview with so many laughs, so check it out.
Member:F Chopper KOGA (bass), Hana (vocal,drum), TOMO-ZO (guitar), Oreo Reona (vocal, keyboard), Mai (Performer No.1), Arisa (Performer No.2)

--Kamesennin (Muten Roshi)’s puff-puff* scene~’Even Tenryu-san would hit a girl,too’ Lol--

Q:It’s been 3 months since we interviewed them about the release of their major debut’s single (Sekira’s Liar) , and now there’s a lot hot topics and big news about them since then. First of all,it starts from the new ending theme for ‘Dragonball Kai’. What do y’all feel when you knew that it was settled for you to fill the ending theme for ‘Dragon Ball Kai’?

Koga:I just can’t believe it, and when it was announced, I was like ,‘Seriously?’.
OR : Though it has been announced, I don’t believe it that much (Laugh)
Hana: Even now, I just don’t get it (laugh)
Koga: We’re certainly glad, of course. We’re happy to fill an ending theme for a well-known anime, and since we’ve been to many Anime Fes abroad too, it’s inexcusable for us if we’re not doing this (laugh). And from now on, we can proudly play this song and say, ‘It’s from the Dragon Ball Kai!’

Q:You probably have watched ‘Dragon Ball’(anime) many times, but, have you ever read it (DB manga)?---
Koga:  I’ve read it!
Oreo Reona: It’s an anime that was closer to our generation, and as I grow up, I never thought that we’ll be in charge for the ending theme.

Q:As a fan of Dragon Ball, I’d love to know, so,would you please tell us if there’s any of your favorite scene from the Dragon Ball—

OR: Since I was kid..I had so many favorite scenes, such as sexy scene that I became fond of, and therefore I’m so excited when Kamesennin scene’s came up. I love it so much whenever his puff-puff’s scene came up…The scene was clearly stuck in my head, and I think that’s why I’m destined to be in charge for the sexiness (in the band). And the Kamesennin’s puff-puff scene that I’ve been watching, might be the reason that turned me out to be like this.
Koga:And the Super Saiya transformation scene….
Hana: Ah, the scene when he had all of his hair goes up?
OR: This conversation goes shallow (laugh)
Koga: I think that’s quite a great scene. But I was wondering, his enemy might be able to finish him off while he’s transforming, right?.
TOMO-ZO: That’s one of unquestionable scene.
OR: It’s an unquestionable scene in many animes.
Koga: Despite of it, I love Vegeta!
OR:  But you always said that he’s a Vegetarian, aren’t you?

Q:What’s that supposed to means?

KOGA: Well, I always thought that Vegetarian was taken from Vegeta’s name. (laugh)
Hana: Ah, now I clearly remember a scene from it. People of Namek would sleep with their eyes open, right? I remember that scene! And I was thinking, ‘Whoa, they can sleep with their eyes open?’.

Q:Please, there are more reliable and serious scene on it, you know (lol) !

KOGA: I don’t think you’ll get that from us! (laugh)

Q:Okay then, let’s talk about song. 「Don't Let Me Down」,the new ending theme for  『Dragon Ball Kai』was written by Hidaka Tooru (THE STARBEMS/ex.BEAT CRUSADERS),
can you tell us the detail?

Koga: There are poster of us in each live house we visited during our local tour. It’s the only place we know to promote us during that time. Hidaka-san saw it, and he said, ‘Each time I went to a local livehouse, I always saw their poster’, I think he’s quite annoyed about it (laugh).
He became interested to us, and check out many things about us. We heard it from our colleague, and it was the right timing when he create the song. ‘Since I’ve been working on it, why don’t we work together?’, and then it’s settled, he entrust the song’s composition to us.

(to be continued~~)



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